More Pepper.

Less Cranking.

Problems Solved:

1. High Output: Up to 10x the output of standard pepper mills. 

2. More Grind Options: Fine powder to quarter cracked pepper, with multiple options in between.

3. Consistent Grind Quality: Independent grind adjustment mechanism insures consistent grind size.

4. Easy to Fill: Patented quick release top means easy filling without having to remove, replace, and recalibrate the grind adjuster.

5. Integrated Pepper Cup:  Grind directly into the cup when you want to use the “wet hand, dry hand” technique. 

6. Precision Engineered: Dual bearing-stabilized drive shaft and oversize high carbon stainless steel burrs. 

7. Heavy Duty: Milled from a solid block of Aerospace Grade Aluminum.

8. Sustainable:  Aluminum is the most abundant metal on planet Earth. It is 100% recyclable and can be recycled indefinitely.


So Fast.

The MK32144 isn’t faster than the average pepper mill, it’s faster than the fastest pepper mills.

2x to 5x the output of the best mills, and up to 10x the output of other tested pepper mills.

Do you want to pepper a steak in fifty cranks, or five?


Get a Pepper Cannon